Project Tutorial Managing Blood Donor Data Stored Procedures

Blood Donation is one of the important health-related services, which is used to save human life in emergencies. Especially in this article, I try to explain about databases, tables and stored procedures.

Create Database

 Create Database BloodDonar 

The above sql code is used to create database.

Blood Donor Database Table

Table: DonarDetails

This is the table used to store blood donor information

create table donardetails(
ID int identity(1,1),
donarid nvarchar(12) primary key,
donarusername nvarchar(12),
donarpassword nvarchar(25),
donarfullname nvarchar(25),
donardob nvarchar(20),
donargender nchar(2),
donarstate nvarchar(25),
donarcity nvarchar(25),
donaremailid nvarchar(30),
donarphone nvarchar(15),
donarbloodgroup nchar(3),
status nchar(10)

In the above SQL code snippet, the donarid column is an nvarchar and it is not an auto-generated column. Blood donar database designed for beginners who just started their career in dotnet.

Please enhance the SQL code.

blood donar database table

Stored Procedure: Insert Blood Donor

The proc_insertBloodDonarDetails is used to store newly blood donated guy's details in the database table. The advantage of storing the blood donor details we can track each blood donor individual.

USE [BloodDonar]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_insertBloodDonarDetails]    Script Date: 03/08/2016 20:50:47 ******/
Create procedure [dbo].[proc_insertBloodDonarDetails](
@donarusername varchar(30),
@donarpassword varchar(30),
@donarfullname varchar(50),
@donardateofbirth varchar(30),
@donargender varchar(20),
@donarstate varchar(25),
@donarcity varchar(25),
@donaremailaddress varchar(50),
@donarphonenumber varchar(30),
@donarBloodGroup varchar(30),
@donarstatus nchar(10)
As begin
	Insert into donardetails(donarid, donarusername, donarpassword, donarfullname, donardob, donargender, donarstate, donarcity, donaremailid, donarphone,donarbloodgroup,status) 
    	   values (@donarid, @donarusername, @donarpassword, @donarfullname, @donardateofbirth, @donargender, @donarstate, @donarcity, @donaremailaddress, @donarphonenumber, @donarBloodGroup, @donarstatus)


Get All Blood Donar Details Stored Procedure Query

Using this proc_getALLDonarDetails we will get all blood donor details who are frequently donating blood.

Let me differentiate between active or inactive

  • If any donor frequently donates blood or is in contact with the blood donation services we can call them an active donor.
  • If any donor not donating blood or is not in contact or we are unable to contact those donors we call as inactive donors or we can update their status is inactive.

USE [BloodDonar]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_getALLDonarDetails]    Script Date: 03/08/2016 20:57:12 ******/
Create Procedure [dbo].[proc_getALLDonarDetails]
as begin
 select * from donardetails where status='active'

Get Single Donor Details

The proc_getsingledonardetails stored procedure is used to fetch a particular donor's details based on a condition. The condition of this stored procedure is that we need to pass that donor username, and the account status should be active; otherwise, it will return blank.

USE [BloodDonar]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_getsingledonardetails]    Script Date: 03/08/2016 20:52:32 ******/
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_getsingledonardetails](
@donarusername nvarchar(25)
as begin 
SELECT * FROM donardetails WHERE donarusername=@donarusername AND status='active'

Verify Blood Donor

The proc_getDonarDetails stored procedure is used to fetch particular donor records based on the donor username and password, and his account should also be active. If the record is fetched successfully, then the donor credential is verified.

USE [BloodDonar]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_getDonarDetails]    Script Date: 03/08/2016 20:53:52 ******/

Create Procedure [dbo].[proc_getDonarDetails](
@dusername nvarchar(25), 
@donarpassword nvarchar(25)
as begin
 select * from donardetails where donarusername=@dusername and donarpassword=@donarpassword and status='active'

Update Blood Donor

The proc_UpdateDonarDetails is used to modify the existing blood donor's information in the database donardetails table.

USE [BloodDonar]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_UpdateDonarDetails]    Script Date: 03/08/2016 21:01:56 ******/
Create Procedure [dbo].[proc_UpdateDonarDetails](
@did nvarchar(12),
@dusername nvarchar(25),
@dpassword nvarchar(25),
@dfullname nvarchar(25),
@ddob nvarchar(20),
@dgender nchar(2),
@demailid nvarchar(30),
@dphone nvarchar(15),
@dbloodgroup nchar(5)
as begin
 update donardetails set donarusername=@dusername, donarpassword=@dpassword, donarfullname=@dfullname, donardob=@ddob, donargender=@dgender, donaremailid=@demailid, donarphone=@dphone, donarbloodgroup=@dbloodgroup where donarid=@did

Delete Blood Donor

The proc_proc_DeleteDonarDetails is used to delete the existing blood donor's information in the database donardetails table.

USE [BloodDonar]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_DeleteDonarDetails]    Script Date: 03/08/2016 21:00:51 ******/
Create Procedure [dbo].[proc_DeleteDonarDetails](
@did nvarchar(12)
as begin
 Delete donardetails where donarid=@did

Filter Blood Donor Details

This proc_FilterBloodDonarDetails stored procedure is used to fetch the list of particular blood donor who belongs to the selected state and city.

USE [BloodDonar]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_FilterBloodDonarDetails]    Script Date: 03/08/2016 21:03:09 ******/
Create procedure [dbo].[proc_FilterBloodDonarDetails](
@state varchar(25),
@city varchar(25),
@bloodgroup nchar(3))
as begin
 select * from donardetails where donarstate=@state and donarcity=@city and donarbloodgroup=@bloodgroup

To get more information regarding blood donar project source code like Business Object, Database & Stored Procedure, Database Logic and User Interface

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