Welcome to Dotnet Programmer, My self Srikanth Erukulla i'm the owner of this website. I created and maintaining this Blog come website since 2014, the main aim to create this website to share my experience while working as a "Freelancer Developer" on Micorsoft Technologies. When i'm working on a few projects as a freelancer developer at the time i faced some difficulties like runtime & compile time error's and Database related issue's.
To overcome my issue or error i used online resource like StackOverFlow, Reddit & c-sharpcorner and many more website. But i find difficulties to find solutions for silly problem, let me explain with an example i'm using custom stylesheet for web design for my project due to some project upgrade i modified or added some css code in existing stylesheet. The newly added css code doesn't reflects in browser.
For this problem its took me more than 10 days to get the solutions, not only this many more silly problem i faced at the time of working on projects. On that day i decided to write article based on this related issues and few projects which helps begineers for best practices available with source code.
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