Overview of Food Court Management System Project Using C#


In this article, I try to explain overview of the food court project and it is a mini-project. This project is simple and easy to understand for those who just finished the course on .net. The Food Court Project is a window-based application i.e desktop application and developed this project in 3-tier architecture SQL Server was used as the backend.

To give more command on this food court project, I classified this project into various sections, like...

  1. Overview of Food Court Project
  2. Food Court Project: Model Class
  3. Food Court Project: Create Database and Stored Procedure
  4. Food Court Project: Create Database and Stored Procedure | Part 2
  5. Food Court Project: Database Logic
  6. Food Court Project: Database Logic | Part 2
  7. Food Court Project: Business Logic


To make this project simple I created only two roles i.e

  1. Admin Role
  2. Employee Role

Admin Modules:

The admin role is nothing but a super boss, this role has all the permissions of the food court project that can be managed single-handedly.

The admin roles permissions are:

  1. Adding Food Item Types
  2. Adding Food Items
  3. Update Stocks
  4. Create New Employee Account
  5. Manage Employee Account

1. Adding Food Item Types:

Admin can use these features to add new food item types into inventory. Initially business started with a few food item types but slowly demand increased for other food item types which are not offered. In this scenario, if you need to add a new food type as per your business requirement then this feature is helpful.

Cake | Fruits | Puff | Pizza | Cool Drinks | Burger | Snacks | Biscuts . . . . etc

2. Adding Food Items:

Each Food Item Type contains a list of food items, these items will be added using this feature i.e Adding Food Items.

Example for a list of food items for each food item type

Cake : Pine Apple Cake | Butter Scotch Cake | Chocolate Cake . . .etc
Fruits : Orange | Apple | Banana . . . etc
Puff : Veg Puff | Chicken Puff . . . etc

3. Update Stock:

This is one of the advanced features of this project. By using this feature we can update stock information, the stock is nothing but Food Items Types and Food Items. The stock information can be modified or deleted according to our requirements. Modification can happen on quantity and price updation; Deletion can happen when we stop selling any food item or food item type in this case we need to delete those stock information from our inventory.

4. Create New Employee Account:

The admin will generate new employee login credentials and also maintain employee information. Now, it's clear what is the use of this feature and it also gives various permissions to employees, such as View Stock Details, Sales, Generating Bills and Print Bills.

5. Manage Employee Account:

This feature is used to modify employee details and permission which was assigned earlier. In case a credential is lost admin will reset the employee's password. Delete the employee credentials and his pieces of information from the inventory permanently.

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