- It is mechanism of creating new class by already existing class.
- Inheritace is used to establish the relationship between two (or) more classes.
- It is mechanism of obtaining the Variables and Methods from one class to another class.
- The class which is giving Variable & Methods is called as "Base Class (or) Super Class (or) Parent Class".
- The class which is taking variable and methods is called as "Derived Class (or) Sub Class (or) Child Class".
- The Operator : is inheritance operator
- Inheritance is always is possible between "Base Class" to "Derived Class"
- The Advantages of Inheritance is
- Reusability
- Re-Implementaion
- Extensability
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication28
//Base class
class Country
public void ShowCountry()
Console.WriteLine("This is India..");
//Derived class
class State : Country
public void ShowState()
Console.WriteLine("This is Andhra Pradesh..");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//create instance for Derived class
State st = new State();
//access the Method from Base and Derived Class
Types of Inheritance :
- Single Inheritance
- Multi-Level Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
Single Inheritance :
It is a process of creating a "Derived Class" by using "Base Class"
below program is also called as Inheritance and Single Inheritance.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication28
//Base class
class Country
public void ShowCountry()
Console.WriteLine("This is India..");
//Derived class
class State : Country
public void ShowState()
Console.WriteLine("This is Andhra Pradesh..");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//create instance for Derived class
State st = new State();
//access the Method from Base and Derived Class
Multi-Level Inheritance :
It is a process of creating a "Derived Class" by using another "Base Class"
example of multi - level inheritance
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
//Base class
class Country
public void ShowCountry()
Console.WriteLine("This is India..");
//Derived class
class State : Country
public void ShowState()
Console.WriteLine("This is Andhra Pradesh..");
//Derived class
class City : State
public void ShowCity()
Console.WriteLine("This is Vijayawada..");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//create instance for Derived class
City ct = new City();
//access the Method from Base and Derived Class
Hierarchical Inheritance :
It is a process of creating multiple "Derived Class" by using single "Base Class"
example of Hierarchical inheritance
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Person
int id;
string firstname;
string lastname;
public Person(int id1, string fname, string lname)
public void DisplayData()
Console.WriteLine("Id is : "+id);
Console.WriteLine("Name is : "+firstname+lastname);
//Derived Class
class Student : Person
char grade;
public Student(int id1, string fname, string lname, char grade1):base(id1, fname, lname)
public void DisplayStudentData()
Console.WriteLine("Grade is : "+grade);
//Derived Class
class Employee : Person
string designation;
public Employee(int id1, string fname, string lname, string desig):base(id1, fname, lname)
public void DisplayEmployeeData()
Console.WriteLine("Designation is : "+desig);
//Main Class
class Program
static void Main()
Student s1=new Student(101, "praveen", "reddy", 'A');
Employee e1=new Employee(102, "praveen", "reddy", 'Software Engg.');
Hybrid Inheritance :
It is the combination of two (or) more Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance :
- It is the process of creating a Derived Class from more than one Base Class.
- c#.net (or) java doesn't support multiple inheritance directly through classes.
- in c#.net we can achieve multiple inheritance by using Interface.
Inheritance : Interview Question and Answer