Based on the way, that you are implementing the presentation logic, business logic and database logic in your application, there are 4 development architectures.
- One-Tier Architecture / Monolithic Architecture
- Two-Tier Architecture
- Three-Tier Architecture
- Multi-Tier Architecture / Distributed Architecture
1) One-Tier Architecture:
- All types of logics (presentation logic, business logic and database logic) will be implemented directly within the form.
- That means there is no separation of presentation logic, business logic and database logic.
- This type of applications are not in the professional style.
- There is no re-usability of business code and database code.
2) Two-Tier Architecture:
- The Presentation Logic and Business Logics are maintained separately.
- The presentation logic is written in "Presentation Layer" and the business logic is written in "Business Layer" / "Business Access Layer".
- Note: Here, the database logic also can be written in the "Business Layer" only, even though it‘s not a good manner.
3) Three-Tier Architecture
- The Presentation Logic, Business Logic and Database Logics are maintained separately.
- This is recommended for the professional projects in the software companies.
4) N-Tier Architecture:
- In the 3-tier architecture, the "UI and presentation layer" will be located in the client system; and "business access layer and data access layer" will be maintained in the server system.
- Here, there is the requirement of a technology that allows us to connect "Business Layer" with "Presentation Layer". That technology is called as "Distributed Technology".
- The following are the well-known and important distributed technologies:
- DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model)
- .NET Remoting
- Web Services
- WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)
1. DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model)
- It is in usage, before .NET.
- It is platform dependent.
2. .NET Remoting
- It is introduced in .NET Framework.
- It is platform independent.
- It is suitable for the windows applications that run on LAN or intranet.
- It supports TCP and HTTP protocols.
3. Web Services
- It is available in ASP.NET.
- It is also platform independent.
- It is supported for web only.
- It is language independent (any .NET language).
- It is supported for ASP.NET web sites only.
- It supports SOAP and HTTP protocols.
4. WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)
- It is introduced in .NET 3.5.
- It is platform independent.
- It is language independent (any .NET language).
- It is supported for other language applications also (java applications, php applications etc.)
- It is supported for any type of network (LAN, intranet and internet also).
- It is supported in any type of applications (windows applications, web sites, WPF applications etc.)