Unary Operators in C Languages

Unary operators play a crucial role in C programming, allowing operations on a single operand. Let's explore the various unary operators, their priorities, and how they function in expressions.

Introduction to Unary Operators:

Unary operators, such as Increment (++), Decrement (--), Minus (-), Address (&), and SizeOf, act on a single operand. They hold the highest priority in expression evaluation and follow right-to-left associativity.

Operator Description (or) Action
++ Increment Operator
-- Decrement Operator
- Minus Operator
& Address Operator
SizeOf Sizeof Operator

Increment (++) and Decrement (--) Operators :

The Increment operator (++), when used as a suffix or prefix to a variable, adds one to its operand. Similarly, the Decrement operator (--), subtracting one from its operand. Understanding their usage is crucial:

x = x + 1;  // x++ - Post increment
x = x - 1;  // x-- - Post decrement

If used as a suffix, post increment/decrement operations occur. If used as a prefix, pre increment/decrement operations take place.


Example 1

x = 20;
y = 10;
z = x * y++;
// Result: z = 20 * 10 = 200; (y is incremented after the operation)

Example 2

x = 20;
y = 10;
z = x * ++y;
// Result: z = 20 * 11 = 220; (y is incremented before the operation)

Minus (-) Operator

The Minus operator changes the algebraic sign of a value. It is a unary operator that takes only one operand.


int x = -50;
int y = -x;
// y is assigned the value of 50 through x

Address (&) and Size SizeOf Operators

The Sizeof operator provides the bytes occupied by a variable, varying from variable to variable. The Address (&) operator prints the memory address of a variable.

Program : Example

    int x = 2;
    float y = 2;
    printf("sizeof(x)=%d bytes \n", sizeof(x));
    printf("sizeof(y)=%d bytes \n", sizeof(y));
    printf("address of x=%u and y = %u", &x, &y);

Output :

sizeof (x) = 2 bytes
sizeof (y) = 4 bytes
Address of x = 4066 and y = 25096

Understanding unary operators is essential for precise and efficient C programming. They allow developers to manipulate variables, control flow, and optimize memory usage effectively. Explore these operators to enhance your programming skills.

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