Engaging user interaction is crucial for web applications, and a well-designed comment section can significantly enhance the user experience. In this article, we will explore how to create a hierarchical comment section in ASP.NET using jQuery. This interactive comment system allows users to reply, edit, and nest comments seamlessly, providing a dynamic and user-friendly interface.
HTML Markup
The foundation of our comment section lies in the HTML markup. We've added a "Demo Comment" button that toggles the visibility of the comment section, an image for visual appeal, and a main comment div to which comments will be appended dynamically.
<div style="padding:15px;">
<asp:Button ID="btnComment" runat="server" CssClass="btn btn-info" Text="Comment" /><br />
<div id="divmaincomment"></div>
JavaScript (jQuery):
The magic happens with jQuery. We've implemented functionality to show and hide the comment section, append comments, edit comments, and reply to comments dynamically.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnComment").click(function () {
$("#divmaincomment").append("<div style='margin-left:20px; width:100%;'><textarea class='form-control' placeholder='Write a comment' rows=3></textarea>" +
"<div style='padding:5px;'>" +
"<a href='#divedit' onclick=edit();>edit</a> " +
"<a href='#divReply' onclick=Reply(1);>Reply</a>" +
"<div id='divChildComment1'></div>" +
return false;
function edit() {
alert('Edit Button Clicked');
var n=1;
function Reply(n) {
$("#divChildComment"+n).append("<div style='margin-left:20px; width:100%;'><textarea class='form-control' placeholder='Write a comment' rows=3></textarea>" +
"<div style='padding:5px;'>" +
"<a href='#divedit' onclick=edit();>edit</a> " +
"<a href='#divReply' onclick=Reply("+n+1+");>Reply</a>" +
"<div id=divChildComment"+n+1+" style='margin-left:10px;'></div>" +
The HTML markup includes a button to trigger the comment section and an image for visual appeal. The jQuery script handles showing and hiding the comment section, appending comments dynamically, and providing functionality for editing and replying to comments.
Implementing a hierarchical comment section in ASP.NET using jQuery not only enhances the interactivity of your web application but also provides a clean and organized way for users to engage with content. By following the step-by-step guide and understanding the provided code snippets, you can easily integrate this feature into your ASP.NET projects, fostering a more engaging user experience.