Write a C Program to explain Increment and Decrement Operators?
/* It explain post - increment & pre - increment and post - decrement & pre - decrement operators */ #include < stdio.h > main() { int a, b, c, d; clrscr(); printf("Enter two integer values a and b : "); scanf("%d %d ", &a, &b); printf("Following are the results of increment and decrement operators : \n"); c = a++; printf("The values of c and a after c = a++ are %d and %d \n", c, a); c = ++b; printf("The values of c and b after c = ++b are %d and %d \n", c, b); d = a--; printf("The values of d and a after d = a-- are %d and %d \n", d, a); d = --b; printf("The values of d and b after c = --b are %d and %d \n", d, b); getch(); }
Input : Enter two integer values a and b : 5 6
Output :
The values of c and a after c = a++ are 5 and 6
The values of c and a after c = ++b are 7 and 7
The values of d and a after d = a-- are 6 and 5
The values of d and b after d = --b are 6 and 6