Programming DDL Triggers
Syntax :
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name ON { ALL SERVER | DATABASE } [ WITH < ddl_trigger_option > [,....n] ] { FOR | AFTER } { event_type | event_group } [,....n] AS { sql_stmt [;] [...n] | EXTERNAL NAME < method specifier ? [;] }
Example :
The following example illustrates how a DDL
trigger can be used to prevent any table in a database from being modified or dropped.
CREATE TRIGGERR safety ON DATABASE FOR DROP_TABLE.ALTER_TABLE AS PRINT 'You must disable Trigger "Safety" to drop or alter tables!' ROLLBACK;
Altering a Triggers
The definition of an existing trigger can be altered without dropping it. The altered definition replaces the definition of the existing trigger with the new definition.
Syntax :
ALTER TRIGGER trigger_name ON { table | view } { { { FOR | AFTER | INSTEAD OF } { [ INSERT ] [.] [ UPDATE] } AS SQL _ STATEMENTS [...n ] } }
Example :
This example creates a trigger that prints a user-defined message to the client when a user tries to add or change data in the emp table. Then, the trigger is altered using ALTER TRIGGER to apply the trigger only on INSERT activates. This trigger is helpful because it reminds the user who updates or inserts rows into this table.
Create trigger trig1 ON emp With Encryption For INSERT, UPDATE As RAISERROR(40008, 16, 10) ALTER Trigger trig1 ON emp FOR INSERT AS RAISERROR(40008, 16, 10)
Dropping a Triggers
A trigger can be dropped by using, DROP TRIGGER
statement. A trigger gets dropped automatically when its associated table is dropped. Permissions to drop a trigger defaults to the table owner. But the members of the system administrators(sysadmin) and the database owner(db_owner) can drop any object by specifying the owner in the DROP TRIGGER
Syntax :
DROP TRIGGER trigger_name
Disabling or Enabling a Triggers
Triggers can be enabled or disabled using ALTER TABLE
statement. On disabling trigger, the actions in the trigger are not performed until the trigger is re-enabled.
Syntax :
ALTER TABLE table_name { ENABLE | DISABLE } TRIGGER { ALL | trigger_name [, --n]
Setting the Trigger Order
The 'sp_settriggerorder'
is used to specify the order of firing the trigger. The AFTER
triggers that are fired between the first and last triggers are executed in undefined order.
Syntax :
sp_settriggerorder [@triggername =] '[ triggerschema. ] triggername', [ @order =] 'value', [@stmttype =] 'statement_type' [, [@namespace =] { 'DATABASE' | 'SERVER' | NULL } ]
Example :
1. Setting the order of DML triggers
USE AdventureWorks; Go sp_settriggerorder @triggername= 'Sales.uSalesOrderHeader', @order= 'First', @stmttye= 'UPDATE';
2. Setting the order of DDL triggers
USE AdventureWorks; Go sp_settriggerorder @triggername='ddlDatabaseTriggerLog', @order='First', @stmttype='ALTER_TABLE', @namespace= 'DATABASE';