Relational Operators in C Languages

Understanding Relational Operators in C Programming

Relational operators play a crucial role in C programming, providing a means to evaluate Boolean conditions and expressions, ultimately yielding true or false results. This article delves into the intricacies of relational operators, shedding light on their functionality and applications.

In C, a simple relational expression takes the form ae - 1 relational operator ae - 2, where ae - 1 and ae - 2 represent arithmetic expressions. These expressions can involve constants, variables, or combinations of both, along with arithmetic operators.

C supports six fundamental relational operators:

  1. Less Than (<): Checks if the value on the left is less than the value on the right.
  2. Less Than or Equal To (<=): Verifies if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right.
  3. Greater Than (>): Determines if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right.
  4. Greater Than or Equal To (>=): Assesses whether the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right.
  5. Equal To (==): Checks if the values on both sides are equal.
  6. Not Equal To (!=): Verifies if the values on both sides are not equal.

Relational operators return zero for false and non-zero for true. This zero value represents false, while any non-zero value signifies true.

It's important to note that relational operators are binary operators, acting on two operands. The operators <, <=, >, >= take precedence over == and !=. In cases of equal priority, operators are evaluated from left to right.

Relational expressions are commonly used in decision statements like if and while to guide a program's flow based on conditions. These expressions are instrumental in making decisions within the program's execution.


  1. 4.5 <= 10 - True
  2. 4.5 < -10 - False
  3. -35 >= 0 - False
  4. 10 < 7 + 5 - True
  5. (10 + 5) == (3 * 5) - True

Arithmetic expressions on either side of a relational operator are evaluated first, and then the results are compared. Arithmetic operators take precedence over relational operators.

Relational Operator Complements:

  • > complements <=
  • < complements >=
  • == complements !=

Simplifying expressions involving the not (!) and relational operators using complements enhances code readability and conciseness.

Understanding relational operators is fundamental for effective C programming, enabling developers to create robust and logic-driven applications.

For more insights into C programming, check out our previous article on operators or proceed to learn about logical operators.

Previous: Exploring C Operators | Next: Logical Operators in C

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